Saturday, September 27, 2008

What to do about severe acne and scars

« ...One thing that has always been suspected of casing acne is stress. Where there is severe or prolonged emotional stress or tension acne is likely to be more severe. This can have a circular effect, particularly in teenagers. The teenagers is under stress, usually about a social situation. Their acne gets worse, which makes the social situation more difficult, which makes the stress worse. It is very hard for some teenagers to break out of this downward spiral....
...Along with the mechanic methods used to remove blackheads fast, you can also use over the counter products, such as blackhead strips that adhere to the blackhead and are removed as you peel the strip off. There are topical solutions to removing blackheads as well. To make sure you get the most out your topical solution choice, apply steam or a warm cloth to the area to allow your pores to open, so that the solution has a better chance to get down into the pore to remove dirt, oil, and dead skin....»
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«...Since stress levels can boost androgen production and increase incidence of adult cases of acne, you should also work on lowering stress levels. Try to find an activity that you can easily do that helps keep you mentally in balance. Prayer, meditation, and exercise disciplines or even committing to daily aerobic exercise may help clear up the skin as much as any other treatment....»
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tags: adult acne home treatment, lazer treatment for adult acne, homemade face mask for acne

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