Monday, August 4, 2008

Over the counter acne medications and clearasil ultra acne clearing gel wash reviews

Green Tea extract is another effective tea based acne solutions. Same with the other tea and natural acne solutions this treatment is way less expensive compared to other traditional means of acne treatments like laser treatment and purchasing over the counter anti acne medications. Green Tea extract helps your skin attain good health that will eventually kills all traces of acne bacteria that lives inside your skin.
Sandalwood is by far one of the oldest methods used for treating acne scars. To prepare this, create a sandalwood paste and combine it with rose water. Apply the solution to the scars and leave it overnight. The next day, wash the applied portion of your skin with cold water.
What you eat and drink can have a great affect on your acne condition. Most people do not drink adequate amount of water. This makes their body and skin dehydrated. They do not realize this. It is important to drink at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis. This is the best and easiest method of keeping your skin healthy.
tags: treatments for adult cystic acne, prescription acne medication, have a rash on my chest from my acne medicine

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