Monday, August 4, 2008

Tee tree oil cystic acne and natural acne scar treatment

You need to mix all the ingredients mentioned above and then pour in to a tight container. Now, take a few drops of the mixture and gently manage from it on the complete portion of the affected area.
No matter how you call it, whether pimples or zits, it is obvious that almost everyone needs some acne help. The reason behind this is that a majority, if not all, of the population has experienced having acne on the face or other parts of the body at any given time. Acne, pimples or zits can suddenly appear on your skin regardless of your age, sex or race. There are many causes of acne, and in some cases, this condition could be inherited. Therefore, there is no guarantee that an individual would not develop any acne. Corollary, no one can confidently say that he or she will not require acne help.
An example of one home remedy is using Tea Tree Oil. This is said to be as effective as benzoly peroxide however it may take longer to achieve results. You can get tea tree oil in a face wash. For the most effective results boil some water and steam you face then apply the face wash and pat dry.
tags: how to cure acne through diet, neutrogena's advanced solutions acne mark fading peel, acne pills effects on menstrual

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